Tele-optometry is utilized by optometrists to remotely conduct comprehensive eye exams by using a platform supported by technicians present with the patients.
Tele-optometry is an eye exam where there is a skilled technician who will go through the testing with you. All of the data collected by the technician is entered into a system where the optometrist can see the results in real time. The provider will then join a video conference with you to go over the findings of the exam.
In a story from CNN, the reporter Jacqueline Howard found that the exam performed physically and via tele-optometry didn’t have any difference in results and were the same. From the report, it can be concluded that while remote comprehensive eye exams might not be right for every patient, a majority of patients will be able to reap the same benefits from a remote eye exam as they would from an in-person eye exam.
Tele-optometry cannot replace in-office visits. There still exist situations in which a patient must visit an in-person optometrist for further care. In situations where further care is needed due to glaucoma treatment, macular degeneration treatment, cataract removal, and diabetic retinopathy treatment, your remote optometrist will refer and direct you to the proper ophthalmologist.
With the aid of tele-optometry, Optometrists are still able to prescribe accurate glasses and contact lens prescriptions. Optometrists can also diagnose key ocular diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, as well as numerous other conditions.